

Thursday, August 27, 2015

CYCI #83 Back To School

It is all things "Back to School" this week at canyoucaseit.com


I do not have a lot of "back to school" items to play with.  My sister is a high school English teacher in Green Bay, so you would think I would have some, just by association!!  lol  Thought I would give a whirl to this week's CYCI anyway.  Thinking maybe she can fill it with goodies or chocolate for a fellow teacher.

Hope she likes it.
Hope everyone has a great day!!  And, if you are sending your kids "back to school" enjoy the peace and quiet left in their wake!!  :)

Make it a great day!!


  1. Adorable! I think it is just perfect and I always love me some owls. lol :)

  2. Very cute, the Owls are The Owls are the perfect addition and I'm sure your sister can use this! Thanks for playing along with us at CYCI?
